About Us

Hey There. My name is Anthony Orner. I founded easyKind Medicare because I realized the Medicare experience was not an enjoyable one for many, if not all. I created our company with ease and kindness at the forefront of everything we do; from initial interactions, to plan selection and into every follow-up. The easyKind mindset is the foundation of who we are, and is in place not only for our customers, but extends to our employees as well. Kindness to us is more than being friendly or generous, it is the consistent embodiment of authentic and genuine concern of the well-being of others.

How we make Medicare Easy & Kind, we educate our potential clients on their Medicare options and help them CHOOSE the coverage and policies that will protect them and give them the healthcare choices they want and deserve going into their retirement years.

We started as a local agency in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. However, we soon realized that we can positively impact the Medicare experience for people around the US. We now are licensed in many states across the US and help them the same way we help our local community. We look forward to seeing how we can help make your Medicare Journey, easier & Kinder.

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